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Assisting attorney, paralegals, judges and individuals communicate with those that speak different languages during different types of legal proceedings and the translation of legal documents for Civil proceedings, Worker's Compensation, Criminal, Family disputes, Real Estate, Probate Court, Bankruptcy, Personal Injury, Contract disputes, Immigration Law, Traffic Court, Federal crimes, 

Interpreters:  Providing Court Certified, State Certified , Federally Certified, Registered, Provisionally Certified, and Qualified  interpreters and translators when needed for Trials, Depositions, Phone conferences and Video conferencing, Court Hearings, Arbitrations, Mediations, Medical Appointments such as initial PTP evaluations, QME and AME evaluations, treatment such as therapy, MRI, and many other diagnostic evaluations.  Immigration hearings, and more 

Translators-  Providing Court Certified, State certified, and ATA certified translators for the translation of all types of documents, such as medical reports, statements, contracts, by laws,

rules and regulations, birth certificates, marriage certificates, and more

Phone and Video Conference - An interpreter of any language can perform the task of interpreting either over the phone or on a video conference call - All the interpreter needs to do do is either hear as you would somebody speaking over the phone or through video media participate visually of the event. This form of communication has been carried on with very positive results especially when the distance between the parties is one that is either very difficult to breach or even impossible given the circumstances.

Some of the firms include Personal Injury, Worker's Compensation, Insurance Companies, Family Law, Criminal, Traffic Court, Bankruptcy, Immigration,  Labor, Contract, Probate, and more.

Court Reporter: Providing access to Court Reporters for Depositions at a moments notice

Transportation:  Just give us a call and schedule transportation for a client that needs to go to a medical appointment or a deposition

Conference Rooms: Request a list of all the conference rooms available for meetings or





B U S I N E S S / C O R P O R A T I V E

Assisting small and large companies and corporations since 1994

Interpreter -  Providing certified and qualified interpreters at safety meetings, investigations, statements, employee training meetings, conference calls with non English speaking employees,  at seminars using headphones and microphones, in all the common speaking languages. 

Translator - Providing Court Certified, State certified, and ATA certified translators for the translation of all types of documents, such as employee handbooks, safety manuals, MPN signs and literature, company rules and regulations

Phone and Video Conference - An interpreter of any language can perform the task of interpreting either over the phone or on a video conference call - All the interpreter needs to do do is either hear as you would somebody speaking over the phone or through video media participate visually of the event. This form of communication has been carried on with very positive results especially when the distance between the parties is one that is either very difficult to breach or even impossible given the circumstances.

V&W also provides language tutors for individuals as well as group classes to improve the employees ability to use the English language

YOU MAY ASK -  Why would a small company or a big corporation need the services of a certified interpreter or translator when an employee that speaks the native language of the employee can translate?

ANSWER - Because it is crucial that you, the employer, be protected in case of a misunderstandings or a bad translation. It is for your protection. It does not have to be in person. A phone conference can take care of any liability or problems that may arise later on. So, why leave it to chance when you can call us 24/7

Transportation:  Just give us a call and schedule transportation for a client that needs to go to a medical appointment or a deposition

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Assisting educators, administrators, speakers with small and large audiences communicate their message. Translations of flyers, manuals, and all kinds of written material since 1994

Interpreter -  Providing Court Certified, State Certified , Federally Certified, Registered, Provisionally Certified, and Qualified  interpreters and translators when needed for parent teacher conferences, training seminars, special classes, board meetings, and more

Phone and Video Conference - An interpreter of any language can perform the task of interpreting either over the phone or on a video conference call - All the interpreter needs to do do is either hear as you would somebody speaking over the phone or through video media participate visually of the event. This form of communication has been carried on with very positive results especially when the distance between the parties is one that is either very difficult to breach or even impossible given the circumstances.

Translator -   Providing Court Certified, State certified, and ATA certified translators for the translation of all types of documents, such as student reports, statements, contracts, rules and regulations, educational material , manuals, and more




For any branch of government, be it Neighborhood Councils, Town Hall meetings, City agencies, County, State, School Districts, Police, Hospitals, Highway Patrol, fire-fighters, Emergency responders, and all the Federal agencies, the ability to communicate with such vast and diverse community that sometimes speak languages other than English is crucial. 

We at V&W believe in a unified people that speak only one language, but, until we get there, the services of interpreters and translators will bridge the gap and make it possible for everyone to communicate and be united in spirit and purpose even if we all speak different languages.

Just think of how many wars and conflicts could have been avoided if the translator had not picked the wrong word. 


Interpreter: Providing State and Federally certified interpreters for hearings and meetings at State, County, and Federal facilities. 

Phone and Video Conference - An interpreter of any language can perform the task of interpreting either over the phone or on a video conference call - All the interpreter needs to do do is either hear as you would somebody speaking over the phone or through video media participate visually of the event. This form of communication has been carried on with very positive results especially when the distance between the parties is one that is either very difficult to breach or even impossible given the circumstances.


Translators: Providing Court Certified, State certified, and ATA certified translators for the translation of signs, flyers, bylaws, rules, regulations for the state as well as federal facilities.

For an election campaign, the translation of flyers, an other types of literature will help candidates reach large masses of people whose native language is one other than English with a message they can understand. Reaching the greatest numbers of people with a powerful message in their native language is the key to transforming a candidate's message from a limited one into a universal one.

Dialect coach: Individual and group coaching of candidates when trying to learn to deliver their message in a language other than English. It is so important that the words be pronounced correctly, but no only the words but the intonation of that language so that their message is clear and effective. A dialect coach will make sure that each word, each sentence in that language is delivered with the powerful intent for which it  was created in the mind of the candidate so that those hearing it may be touched emotionally and be impressed with the powerful ideas that the candidate represents.

We, at V&W have access to the best interpreters and translators in all the languages commonly spoken to provide you with a quality product that will exceed your expectations.

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Interpreter - An interpreter can be an important asset on the set in  the production of various types of films. This is true in instances where a  cast and crew are filming in a country where a language other than  English is spoken to make everything run smoothly.

An interpreter can assist executives and producers  from other countries when visiting the USA communicate with others members of the cast, directors and production team.

An interpreter can 

Phone and Video Conference - An interpreter of any language can perform the task of interpreting either over the phone or on a video conference call - All the interpreter needs to do do is either hear as you would somebody speaking over the phone or through video media participate visually of the event. This form of communication has been carried on with very positive results especially when the distance between the parties is one that is either very difficult to breach or even impossible given the circumstances.

Translator -   As it has been the case for films to be shown in other countries, they have to have subtitles or dubbed in the language of that country. Thus the actors lines need to be translated into that language. For those lines to be delivered effectively in the target language a translator has to be able to not only translate well the meaning of the line but also the sentiment with which the lines are being delivered in the original language. Unfortunately that is not always the case and the "punch line" gets lost in translation. 

Dialect Coach  -  It is so important that the actors that will have to say a line in a different language be able to be understood in that language but also use the proper phonemes, intonation, and accent that are particular to that language in saying their lines. We at V&W can provide the dialect coach that will make that possible


We, at V&W have access to the best interpreters and translators in all the languages commonly spoken to provide you with a quality product that will exceed your expectations.

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For travel agencies, embassies, foreign diplomats, foreign leaders and tourists visiting the USA we have the interpreter that will make your visit an informative,  fun, and pleasant one. 

Interpreter and Translators   V&W will provide interpreters and translators for individuals or groups traveling in the  United 

States either on a pleasure trip or a business trip making their stay a pleasant one by . There is nothing worse than not being able to communicate your needs, your feelings, your desires to other people when traveling in a foreign  country. A courteous and professional interpreter can bridge the gap and turn a mediocre experience into a rich and fulfilling one.

Phone and Video Conference - An interpreter of any language can perform the task of interpreting either over the phone or on a video conference call - All the interpreter needs to do do is either hear as you would somebody speaking over the phone or through video media participate visually of the event. This form of communication has been carried on with very positive results especially when the distance between the parties is one that is either very difficult to breach or even impossible given the circumstances.

We, at V&W have access to the best interpreters and translators in all the languages commonly spoken to provide you with a service product that will exceed your expectations.

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A D V E R T I S I N G / P U B L I S H I N G



If you want to reach the largest audience weather for a magazine ad, article, book or any form of advertisement, the best way is to have your material translated, but well translated so that the meaning does not get lost in translation. When a translation is done by a non-professional, not only will the finished product lose part of the message it is trying to convey but at times carry the wrong message.

We, at V&W have access to the best interpreters and translators in all the languages commonly spoken to provide you with a quality product that will exceed your expectations. Using Court Certified, State, and ATA certified native speakers, interpreters and translators, our translations are pristine and accurate respecting style and taking the full meaning of the message into the target language with precision and  style. You can trust that the translation of your material is the best. 

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M E D I C A L / H E A L T H


Assisting doctors and medical professionals communicate with those that speak different languages during different types of medical procedures and exams. From the Worker's Compensation field for QME and AME evaluations, to Personal Injury evaluations and treatment at Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Schools, V&W does it better.

Providing State Court, Administrative, Medically Certified, and Qualified interpreters when needed for all types of medical appointments. 

So many times a  well intentioned family member will accompany the patient to an appointment and mistranslate a symptom or even a body part. Relaying on that translation  on that the patient could have received the wrong procedure or even the wrong medication.

It is very dangerous to rely on the translation or interpretation of a lay person. 

We, at V&W have access to the best interpreters and translators in all the languages commonly spoken to provide you with a quality service that will exceed your expectations.

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W E B S I T E S / S O C I A L   M E D I A 

A translated website can reach so many more people. The key is that the translation has to be accurate and convey your message. So many times translations are more or less Ok and people that speak that language get turned off by a mediocre translation and click the back button out of your store. Let your web visitors feel that they are important to you. Give them a quality translation and they will show their appreciation by lingering in your website and will be more likely to convert!

We, at V&W have access to the best interpreters and translators in all the languages commonly spoken to provide you with a quality product that will exceed your expectations. Using Court Certified, State, and ATA certified native speakers, interpreters and translators, our translations are pristine and accurate respecting style and taking the full meaning of the message into the target language with precision and  accuracy. 

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